GameDevHq Day 13: Phase I

Max Fukuyama
2 min readDec 17, 2020

Today was pretty fun. I’m really enjoying the fact that there aren’t tutorials on the new content I have to create. It’s helping my coding knowledge tremendously, at least it feels like. Since there is no script to copy I create these codes in order to get my game to function how I want which isn’t usually optimized well. That’s where a lot of the satisfaction lies is first getting it to work and then being able to read through what I wrote, understand it, and try to piece it all together again a little more nicely.

Here’s some what I have to show for the day:

Iv’e created my own ammo power-up. Now instead of the player having unlimited ammo, it only has 15 shots and a collectable power-up which reloads back to 15. It does flash colors like all the other power-ups, I felt like I needed to follow suit with that. After 15 shots are fired, the player can no longer shoot till the ammo prefab is collected. Upon collecting Iv’e added my own reload sound and working on creating an out of ammo sound. Surprisingly this didn’t take too long and I feel as though the code is pretty optimized since I didn’t call upon any new scripts that weren’t already and the script looks pretty to the point. Satisfied so far how this is turning out. On the other hand I made some more small corrections like more precise player boundaries so the player looks a little smoother when it wraps to the other side of the screen, added a manual speed boost, and I backtracked a bit to rework one of the shield animations. The last shield life now has a flicker on it because I just felt as though it needed a little more to feel like it’s the last hit you can take. I really like the animation part of unity. For this 2D game at least, it’s the icing on the cake. It gives so much more life to these 2D objects sliding around the screen. So we’ll see tomorrow if i can figure out the out of ammo sound and get another power-up or two done.

